Monday, January 21, 2013

Jack Benny - January 21, 1951 - Jack Goes to the Doctor for a Checkup

This episode kicks off with a despondent Phil, because Remley has quit the band. This leads into a visit from Mr. Kitzel, who was played by Artie Auerbach, and continued making appearances on Benny's show into the TV years.

If you listen to many episodes of the Benny series, you might notice that Kitzel is the only "come in and do some shtick" character that Benny is glad to see. Benny always greets him with a bright "Mr. Kitzel!", cueing a bit of extra applause from the audience. The other stock characters - Frank Nelson, Sheldon Leonard, Mel Blanc's "Cy" - are there to torment Benny, but not Mr. Kitzel.

The main sketch involves Benny going to see a doctor, who is played by Frank Nelson, of course. Frank's appearances were always a treat, and this is no exception.

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